Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh Monday!

Oh got here way too fast! Our weekend went way too fast. Matter of fact time in general is going way to fast for us! On Thursday we will be 23 weeks pregnant! Which means we'll only have 17 more to go! I think my nesting might be kicking in. We've already gotten a bunch of clothes for Lilly. This weekend I washed them all. And folded and refolded them because I realized I don't know how to fold itty bitty laundry yet...

I also realized that I need to get motivated with Lilly's room. Her closet is filled with boxes of stuff we never unpacked when we moved into the house. Her room is filled with all of my bookeeping and scrapbooking stuff. We need to paint. We need to get organized. The crib will be here this weekend (Thanks to my wonderful parents!) There is so much to get done in the next 17 weeks!! Watch for updates!

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