Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shawn complained that I hadn't updated in awhile. To which I responded that he could update. See the picture of our Little Lillyan in the previous post!

So needless to say we had out 20 week ultrasound and we're having a girl! We are thrilled! For multiple reasons! First of which what could be better than 2 of me? But my grandma has a great grandson and this will even out the playing field! And Shawns 2 cousins just had boys so it is nice that we'll be having a girl! Plus they run few and far between in Shawns Dads side! So its extra exciting for us! I have to admit I've fallen victim to the pink frilly clothes! Funny since I never like pink when I was younger yet I have no problem doing it to my daughter!
And yes we've picked a name! Lillyan Grace Varwig! Also to be called Lilly or Lil as she seems to be called by her momma lately! She is a healthy little one right on track for her Sept 23rd Due date!

We've decided to make our crib bedding! Its going to be a big task...but my mom rocks! And I guess I can help some too! It took me about 3 hours to finally pick out fabric! You can see the swatches below!

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