Monday, February 15, 2010

What a weekend!

What a busy weekend we had! My dad finally came home from the skilled nursing facility! Which is great news because as much as I wanted to be there for him driving my mom to see him was starting to take its toll! But he is at home now and doing well!

Saturday night I surprised Shawn with Monster Truck show tickets! Which was fun...but I didn't think about how the fumes would effect me being pregnant. It was a long night....I used my sweater as an air worked.

Sunday we went to church and then Shawn surprised me with a trip to a baby furniture store! It was fun to see all the options out there!! Then we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner! One of my favorite places...however I can't believe we waited for 3 hours for a table! But atleast it was good!!

To top it all off I've been fighting what I thought was a cold for the last week, I've now decided I think its a sinus infection. So Im going to the Doctor this afternoon! Im trying this new place called zoomcare! Some people from work have raved about it and my OB offfice recommended them as well! So I will update later on what I think of them...if they can fix this sinus infection or whatever it is I will be happy!!

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