Thursday, March 24, 2011

Half Birthday!

Happy Half Birthday Lillyan Grace!

Today my baby is 6mo old! I don't know how this happened! I swear she was born just yesterday! Then again its hard to remember life before her! She has changed our lives and rocked our world. We're so blessed to call her our daughter!

I just finalized and placed the order for her 6 month pictures. We had her pictures done previously at Sears, after they cut her feet off in multiple pictures I vowed to try another route the next time.  In talking with a friend she recommended Angi Carman.  So we hired her. She came to our house at 9am on a Saturday. Lilly had just woken up and I was for sure we'd have a great shoot.  Then come to find out Lilly was trying to break through a molar! Teething stinks. But any day other than picture day! Angi was so patient with us and Lilly's crabby attitude! I felt horrible, and was for sure that the pictures would be awful!

But to my surprise they were incredible! I don't know how Angi managed to get so many good and great shots! She is a truly gifted photographer! 

Check out her blog here

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