Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last night was an adventure for us! We decided that we were okay getting some of the bigger dollar items we still needed for Lilly used as long as they were in good condition. So yesterday I spent my day emailing with people researching swings and baby carriers. Then after work Shawn and I went on our adventure. First to Aloha with horrid 5pm traffic on 217! Maybe that wasn't our best decision but we did get Lilly a swing out of the deal, which was pretty difficult to get into the focus! (Need to add fix A/C in the van to our to do list!). And being pregnant I needed to use the restroom pretty bad so we got to go out to dinner too! Then from Aloha we went to Milwaulkie to get a baby carrier. After a couple other errands and a trip to Target, we finally got home! I played with Lillys new gadgets for awhile...and went to bed while Shawn made a cake for his coworker! What an evening!!

Cabbage Patch Doll was great practice till Lilly Arrives!

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