Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Maternity Monday....on wednesday!

So I saw this on someone else's blog today and I thought I would steal it! :) I think I'll try to do this every monday except for this week since today is wednesday!

How far along? 23 weeks 6days!!

Total weight gain/loss: approx 10lbs

Maternity clothes? Pants have to be maternity. I can still wear some of my longer pre pregnancy shirts.

Stretch marks? Yep! My belly will never be the same!

Sleep: Not as well as I used to. I toss between my left and right side. And need atleast one early morning bathroom trip!

Best moment this week: When Lilly had hiccups! Its was fun to learn what they were and to feel her so rythmically! Shawn loved it!

Movement: Lilly is kind of lazy but she's been moving more and more lately!

Food cravings: Cheetos, Strawberrries, Pickles - Luckly not at the same time!

Symptoms: Heartburn, Tums are my friend! Tiredness!

Gender: Beautiful baby Girl!!!

Labor Signs: Not for a while I hope! Keep on baking little one!!

Belly Button in or out? innie for keeps getting more and more shallow!

What I miss: Energy! Touching my toes!

What I am looking forward to: Working on Lillys room, seeing her Crib put together, Younglife club on Saturday!

Weekly Wisdom: Paint colors look bolder on the wall than at the store!

Milestones: 1 week till Viability! (the ability of an infant to survive outside the womb.)

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