Friday, April 10, 2009

A little Poem of encouragment

I found this online, it spoke to my heart. I hope it speaks to yours as well!

You've given your all, and still you give more
Sometimes you wonder, what you do it all for
But remember the message, He sends from above,
You're never alone, never out of His Love

He'll give you strength, He'll give you power
Stand in His love, in your darkest hours
Through darkest of nights, and brightest of days
He's there right beside you, every step of the way.

Remember the message, and the many who hear
Then your reward, and payment is clear
And remember the message, from Heaven above
You're not alone, you're never out of His love

He'll give you strength, He'll give you power
Stand in His love, in your darkest hours
Through darkest of nights, and brightest of days
He's there right beside you, every step of the way.

He's there right beside you, whenever you call
He'll pick you up, when ever you fall.

--Michael Halbrook

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