Friday, March 27, 2009

Thoughts of Jessica...

There comes a time where we have to find a place of honesty with ourselves and with others. A time where we must come to terms with the fact we are not superman or superwoman, if you will. A time to realize that we can't be everything to everyone. As we were sitting in a meeting with our Pastor last night he said these words. "If you have time to do 5 things then you have to choose things that have the greatest impact." I know personally we have the mindset that we can be everything to everyone. I don't want to do 10 things mediocere when I can do 5 things great. We must be people who think smart. Who are schedule conciensus. And who acheive the greatness God desires us to have without neglecting those who are closest to us. Pray for us as we realize our full potential as we continue on this journey we call life. Our desire is to make an impact for Jesus is everything we do!

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