Monday, February 23, 2009

What a weekend!!

First of all my dad came home from the hospital on Friday! Which is wonderful news! Lets just pray he stays out for awhile! Friday evening was wonderful. It was quiet. We didn't have to go to the hospital which was a nice change of scenery. I enjoyed sitting on the couch with Shawn and Jackson watching 24...Im pretty sure Jackson (our dog) enjoyed us being home too!

Sunday was especially enlightening as one of our student chose to follow the Lords commandments through water baptism. It was a wonderful service. Her whole family came out to support her decision! What a great way for her family to come to church. I hope they will decide to come back too! We wrapped up the evening with a lovely Sunday afternoon at home. Shawn really hasn't had any time off in awhile. And whenever he is off I make plans for him pretty quickly! I know he appreciated his nap on the couch!

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