Sunday, February 15, 2009


So I woke up this morning at 5:39 a.m. to the radio blasting a country song. I like country, but at 5:30 a.m. no music is worth listening to that loud. It kept going on and on and I could not figure out why Jessica was not turning it off since it is on her side of the bed. I rolled over to find that she was already up cooking her famous chicken enchiladas for a church potluck today. This sent me through a range of emotions. I didn't know if I should get up and help her, get up and finish Sunday School plans, go back to sleep, and among them all I was a little bit jealous that I am going to have to share those amazing enchiladas. Needless to say, I am up.

I figured it is about time that I leave a post on here, since it is normally Jessica who does it. She is much better at being the organized, communication type of person.

So last night I took Jessica out for a Valentine dinner. We had such great service, that I thought I would blog about it. I am usually one to let everyone and their mother know when I have received bad service...including the manager of whatever restaurant I am at. It really embarasses Jessica and she for some reason always has to "use the restroom" when it comes time to pay our check. But I am really trying to do the opposite and let people know whe we get great service.

We went to the Cheesecake Factory. I was working the AAA truck until 7, so we got there a little late. I went in to get our name on the list and get one of those really cool pagers. They bring me back to my teenage years when no one had a cell phone and you were really cool if you had a pager. Especially on of those Motorola ones! Anyways, the wait was between 2 and 2.5 hours. Normally this would send me right back out to the car, but we expected it and Jessica deserved a nice dinner for living with me. We walked around the mall and got our "appetizer" at one of the mall restaurants and just had a great time together. Finally our time came to get a table. The pager went off and all the red lights flashed telling us it was time. We got to our table and ordered our food and waited. They kept our glasses full and brought us bread when it was empty and eventually my food appeared. I wanted to wait for Jessica to get hers so we could eat together, but it didn't seem to be coming. We waited some more.Now here is where the great service comes in. You would think that after waiting over 2 hours just to get a table that forgetting her food would send us into a fit of anger. But it didn't. All the while we were waiting the server kept us updated. He apologized personally for the issue, and then right after that the Manager came to our table to give us an apology. He told us that he had them working on it and it would be out in 2 or 3 minutes. He said that if it took any longer, then we would get a free dessert. It was like 2 minutes until it was there....and it was the manager who brought it out. I was impressed. Usually if they forget, the dont say anything...they let you wait until it show up, but our server apologized. It wasn't even his fault. The manager came to our table...without us requesting it. They did what they promised...and they even threw in a free dessert.

I was very impressed. If you are ever near The Cheesecake Factory at Washington Square Mall in sure to stop by and give them your business. They deserve it as far as I am concerned. I have never been happier to wait over 2 hours to have a meal forgotten. I had a great Valentines date with my amazing wife.

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