Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kidney Transplant.

I thought I might update those of you who have been praying with us for my dad. For those of you who don't know the situation on on Jan 21st my dad got a life transforming phone call. A phone call that we had been waiting 2 1/2 years for! They had a kidney that matched. We knew little about the donor other than he was young and died a voilent death. We sat in the hospital waiting for the kidney to arrive from Bend. The hours kept going by when they said it wouldn't be untill tomorrow. We beleive that the autopsy was holding the kidney up. During this waiting time another kidney became was a better match! On Thursday my dad had his kidney transplant! It was a very emotional but joyous time! That evening my dad had a reaction to the anti rejection treatment that crushed his blood pressure. The Dr told us that during this time its better to have high blood pressure than low. But he has continued to troop on. He is on a cocktail of anti-rejection pills and doing well, there are no signs of rejection!! He has Drs appts and labs 3 days a week. He is still going to Dialysis as well. The kidney still isn't operating at 100% but that is something that will take time. Overall we are so excited for the new life my dad was able to obtain through the donors generous gift! I would encourage everyone I know to become a donor - you never know the impact such a donation can have on someones life and someones family. My dad in the end will have an extra 15-20 hours of his life back that he used to spend at dialysis. Our family can think about things like camping and vacations which were out of the question for us before! Please continue to pray for us as we embark this journey, that my mom will remain strong, and that this kidney will begin to operate 100%!!!


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