Monday, March 21, 2011

Freeze Frame...not for us!

Its not a freeze frame. Time has not stood still.  I just fell off the blogger wagon again. ha.

So what is new with us.  Lilly is going to be 6 months on Thursday. I don't know how its happened...time is definitely not standing still in our house though!  Lilly is such a fun mix of both Shawn and me. She both of our stubbornness (what a trait! you'd think she could have picked another one!). But she is such a fun happy baby!  She rolls from belly to back, but refuses to go from back to belly.  She'll carry on quite the lengthy conversation with the cute baby in the mirror.  Little does she realize her own likeness! She's started solid foods and loves her food.  Its a challenge to fill the spoon fast enough!  I think Applesauce is her favorite right now...but I don't think we've found a single thing she won't eat! She is a growing girl for sure! We just switched her out of her 3-6mo clothes and into her 6-9mo.

Its hard to believe that I've been back at work for 3mo already. Lilly enjoys her Daddy days! She stays home with Daddy on Mondays and Tuesdays. And goes to daycare one Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday.  We were lucky enough to find a Stay at home mom who was looking for a little extra income.  Brittney and I have gotten to be great friends!  She has a one year old daughter and her and Lilly are as cute as cute can be together.

Shawn changed jobs in September.  He was laid off from Mastercraft a week after Lilly was born.  Talk about a tough blow! But God does work everything out for good.  Shawn was able to stay home with Lilly and I for a month before he went to work at Lifestyle.  Now he is selling furniture that he used to work customer service for! Oh how the tides have changed!

In January we stepped down from our position at New Directions AG, formally Lake Oswego AG.  It was a bittersweet decision. It was what God wanted us to do but it was hard.  It was hard to say goodbye to so many who have supported and loved us through the years.  We are currently attending Grace Chapel in Wilsonville.  Lilly seems to enjoy the nursery and we've enjoyed our life group as well. Its been a great time of refreshing for us before we dive back into ministry.

Next Thursday(03/31) we're flying to Virginia Beach for my cousins wedding and to visit the family! We're looking forward to a break from the Chaos! Be watching for photos and updates :)

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