Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Maternity Leave: Day 2

Today was a day of realizations for me.  I took a nap...when I wanted.  Maybe the last nap that was on my schedule.  I made lunch for Shawn - he came home on his lunch break - this is going to become more of a balancing act once Lilly arrives.  Then I ran errands....babyless. Possibly for the last time.  Up and down almost all the target aisles looking for clearance.  And then putting part of the things back because even though they were great deals we didn't really need them.  And we might need that money for something else.  A quick trip to costco and then to albertsons to pick up a few things.  A quick trip...will that phrase ever exist again?  How much work is it to run to the grocery store with an infant?  Hmm.  My random thinkings.  Speaking of which I wonder if we'll have Lilly tonight...or if I'll have to go to my doctors appointment tomorrow.  What will they say?  Its so hard to believe that my due date is in 2 days!  2 days!!

I also cleaned the windows, spot treated the carpet and scrubbed the laundry room floor....hm.  Maybe this means she'll be arriving soon?? 

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