Friday, June 19, 2009

Shawn decided to take a day off tomorrow! Mostly because his friend Eric is getting married! Its a funny story Eric and Shawn grew up in the same church. Somehow they both wound up in this part of Oregon...well we all know how Shawn got here! Anyways! And Eric and I work together in a round about way. I work as the receptionist during the day and Eric works for our security company at night, we often pass each other around 8 am. Me coming to work and Eric leaving. Its kinda funny actually...

Our friends ( I say our but they are really Shawns friends that I've tried to adopt) Jesse and Liz are coming down from Tacoma for the wedding. We are excited! We haven't seen them in awhile! So Eric thanks for getting married so we could see Jesse and Liz....but more than that. Congrats on your wedding tomorrow! We are so excited for you and Lauren!

We are having a biggest loser competition at work. I am so excited! What a great motivation well that and Jesse and Liz's wedding! We want to lose weight before the wedding....a good amount....Thanks guys for being our motivation. And to all the other biggest loser players...I hope to kick you butts!!

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