Monday, March 23, 2009


2 weeks ago I decided to venture out of my norm and take a class at the gym - Zumba. Zumba sounded like great fun. They say that anyone and everyone can do it. I loved the class it was fun, it was hip, the time flew by and didn't even seem like a torturous exercise class. My left ankle hurt quite a bit afterwards...then this weekend it seemed to get worse. I guess I sprained it. Maybe Zumba isn't for everyone. Im totally bummed I can't go tonight and that I have an ace bandage on.

Shawn found this little house for sale. Its only 145,000! Its a small house but I think it would be an okay starter home. Atleast we would be earning equity! We are suppose to go and look at it tonight...Pray for us...we weren't really looking for a house quite yet but it could be a fun project. The only problem...the roof! Shawn says we can fix it though! What do you guys think??


  1. Its nice. Do you have more pictures? What things need to be fixed on the roof?
