Well if you hadn't noticed due to our lack of posting...Lillyan Grace Varwig made her appearance on Sept 24, 2010 at 10:42 pm. After 21 hours of labor, ending in a C-section. She weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 19inches long...
Here is her birth story....
At 1:30am on Sept 24th my water broke at home. I had been sleeping with a towel between my legs for a good week because I had a feeling this would happen! I thought I had wet myself for a minute until I realized I couldn't stop the gush! And I waddled to the bathroom. About 30 minutes later my contractions started. We timed them for the next few hours and once they were a couple minutes apart on average we headed to the hospital and arrived at 4:00am. Katie checked me in and at 6:00am I was only at 2 cm. I was at 2 cm 2 days earlier at the doctors office! I was about 75% effaced. I did different contraction positions and walked the halls. At 1pm Dr Girolami checked me and I was still at 2cm and only 80% effaced! He suggested some pitocin which I was not in favor of so we walked the halls some more...My back labor was horrible but I was still managing without drugs and was happy with that! At 3:30ish I had a 4.5 minute contraction. My back hurt. I could no longer breathe through my contractions...I was crying through them! At 4pm they gave me some Fentanol and started the fluid drip in my IV to get me ready for my epidurl. Which I got at 5:30. Little did I realize that you are suppose to have 2 bags of fluids before your epidurl! I only had one. As soon as they administered my epidurl I got super nauseous and started dry heaving. Within a few minutes my blood pressure was plummeting and the anesthesiologist gave me a medication to raise it. My nurse was playing cards at the nurses station not realizing my bp was still plummeting. About this time the anesthesiologist came running in, ripping my nurse a new one realizing I was only on my 2nd bag of fluids instead of my 3rd, and gave me another shot of med to raise my blood pressure which had fallen to 55 over 40 something! Finally my bp started to come back up and I wasn't feeling hardly any of my contractions! Grirolami again wanted to do some pitocin to get my contractions to do what they were suppose to do. This time I agreed. I had pain meds at this point...I might at well had pitocin too...well the pitocin would cause my blood pressure to drop and the babys heart rate to increase. So they would turn it on and off. Then the doctor switched to Dr. Goranson! She was amazing! She came in and saw what the pitocin was doing to us and suggested a c-section due to the lack of progress I was only at 3cm at 10pm! We discussed the pros and cons of the c-section. We were exhausted and wanted to meet our daughter, so we agreed! At 10:20 we were taken into the operating room for our c-section! At 10:37 the c-section began and at 10:42 Lillyan Grace Varwig was born! She was 8lbs 5oz and 19 inches! She was the most beautiful baby ever! It turns out she was sunnyside up and her head was tilted and that was why she wasn't descending into the birth canal. Daddy went with Lilly to be cleaned up and checked. At 11:15 I went to the recovery room and about 30 minutes later Daddy and Lilly joined me in the recovery room and I was able to breastfeed Lilly! At 1:15am I returned to my room and said goodbye to the family that was there to meet Lilly....And Daddy and me got to bond with Lilly...we didn't get much sleep!! It wasn't the birth that we expected. But our daughter is here and healthy and that is all that matters! And she pretty much rocks our world!!
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