On Saturday Jesse & Liz came down from Washington along with their puppy Porter! Porter is adorable! Unfortunately our dog hurt his leg and wasn't able to play much! Although I think he was just stubborn, and hurt his paw as an excuse. But I don't know that Dogs have the brains to contemplate such a devious plan....maybe it was just a coincidence.
We went to Eric & Laurens wedding. It was lovely! They performed a foot washing as part of their Ceremony! I've never seen this done during a wedding! It was such a wonderful act! I admit I don't know Lauren at all or Eric very well but the footwashing was just so humbling! I am excited for their future! I know they will love marriage!!

I really had a good time with you guys, and I'm sure Liz did too. I am very excited for the next wedding so that we can hang out again!!